Now if you have feelings and need a safety pin, I suggest you either stop reading or go put on your safety pin because I am about to hit landfall at a good Cat 4 or 5. (NOTE: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED). This post will include polarizing and harsh views.
So if people are wondering: Why is she doing this? Well I live in this county, I am actually a tax payer who is concerned for my city. I also have friends that still work at that agency and it sickens me to see how dejected they feel because of the way they have been treated as a whole. For all of you who are asking that question wanting to know why a retiree cares; well are you asking that of the other retirees who post political opinions? Probably not.
I admit I curse like a drunken sailor and this post is going hard, so I have to bring That Trudy out. #youknowthefreakinthesheetsnotaladyinthestreets With that warning out of the way I will address another issue about this post: I am 100 % throwing down the shade on these two people because I feel like they both in their own way are being very one sided and almost bully like in their behavior. Everyone talks about the "line" that should not be crossed, well I am stepping way over it today. Any picture can be painted, so this is my painting. You can interpret my painting any way you like, it's art it is supposed to be thought provoking.
We always hate when people lump all police officers in the same group, but yet that very thing is happening right now in this sheriff's race. That is why I am doing this, because it is absolutely disgusting. When will people realize that the far left and far right do not want people to see how many citizens are actually middle of the road. Creating discontent is the sure fire way to ensure that no change happens and sheep stay in their respective pens. The purpose of this post is to show that just like violence is ugly; so are words, baseless accusations, and the things we say. My biggest issue is people throwing stones at a friend you never had a problem with until this race started heating up. So maybe everyone will stop being mean, sending passive aggressive emails, and posting insinuations. This post is supposed to sting because I am meeting force with force. I am making sweeping judgements on both persons just to show how easy things can get twisted to fit an agenda. So be warned this is a hard read, but well worth it.
David Stevens:
Let me start by saying he has done a lot of good for our profession and officers in need, but there seems to be a pattern here and if accusations are the new thing well here goes. So for the public who do not know him or wonder why I think this, I will give you some background.
1. In 2015 when Jimmy Holderfield (Note: I love Holderfield and back in 2015 the Mike Williams crew released tapes on him to be nasty because that is what they do, just like now), broke party lines and backed Ken Jefferson a MALE Democrat. David you were all on board with a Male Democrat candidate (Note: in your haste to scrub your account you forgot a picture) Also this picture applies to argument #2

David do you not think we have been losing ground in the community for the past 7 years? Do you think Mike got a foothold in the community the past 7 years? Seems to me a person who has grown up in the community, fell into the same pitfalls as the community, was able to pull herself up by the boot straps, and succeed would probably be the person most likely to make this change you so desperately have wanted for at least 7 years now. #mustbetheagemakingyouforget

Interesting, another Male Democrat that David acknowledges as a friend and a former boss. Someone he acknowledges is deserving of the 2021 Florida Sheriff's Hall of Fame.
This picture is also applicable for point #2 that follows below.
Hey David remember back when you were FOP president and the men's softball / baseball team played tournaments? That was so nice to give them FOP days so they didn't have to use their own time, if only you did that for the girl's softball teams.
David TRUE or FALSE: you were the accused of making that nasty website about Michelle “Missy” Cook when she was running for Sheriff of CCSO? TRUE or FALSE: Shortly after you were confronted about the website, it was taken down? How come when Michelle Cook ran for CCSO you denounced her and supposedly made a nasty website about her?
Does anyone see the picture I am painting? If you do not then let me spell it out in all caps: How come David will back MALE Democrats and call for change, but a FEMALE Democrat is seditious? (Note: do not use that Obama picture as an accuse, unless you can get Ken Jefferson and Nat Glover, on national television to say they would not have ever taken a picture with Obama and they denounce him)
David prove me wrong: Is it really the political party you hate or you just hate the thought of a WOMAN being in charge and telling you what to do? #enoughsaid #patternsarepatterns #connectthedots
2. Your ability to flip flop and evade truth. You are not the gingerbread man you are the Wee Bunnock. (Note this is a Scottish fairytale about an oatmeal pancake that is running away as fast as he can)

This wonderful post was dated February 20, 2022. The Biden rally reference is good stuff. So let’s dissect this post: It appears that Ken Jefferson a MALE Democrat is 100% your friend (#FACT), it appears you actually like and wish all the candidates good luck (#FACT), most importantly you ask people to not post negative comments (Note: the laughing face is in reference to him not wanting to talk politics, because it comes after the comma which indicates it is in reference to the second half of his declaration).
Then SIX months later you post this:

So does this post indicate that only Republican Police Lives Matter? Now don’t get me wrong I do agree we are in distress, Carter was a nice guy / total moron; and I think Biden is Carter’s twin brother nobody knew existed because he got lost coming out of the womb; BUT six months ago you didn’t seem to have that kind of disrespect for your friend the Male Democrat candidate you backed for Sheriff in 2015, or a prior Male Democrat Sheriff. Have you deleted Ken Jefferson out of your life? Do you think Nat Glover is now not deserving of his Hall of Fame status? Am I to believe that somehow you didn’t think six months ago our country was not having these issues? Oh, how about in 2015; 7 years into Obama’s tenure; when you called for change by backing the MALE Democrat candidate? The Far Left Democrats and Obama had not started a war on Law Enforcement at that time? Interesting that all of a sudden in August / 2022 it finally hit you that America is in Distress. (Note: I am 100 % doing a long eye roll right now and being facetious) I go back to my assessment, that anyone that is so far left or right that they cannot meet in the middle is what is causing the distress. David you do know JFK and Jake Goldbold were Democrats right? Before anyone says "Yeah, but really they were Republicans." Well no they were not, both died Democrats. They were very middle of the road Democrats; which just bolsters my assessment that just because you are in a political party it does not make you a far left winger. As a matter of fact when JFK ran for president the whole scandal of the time was not his political party it was the fact he was Catholic; oh the horror it caused in our mainly Protestant country. I am 100 % down with judging someone for their policies or decisions, but until someone has done something that shows how far right or left they are, do not lump them into a batch. (Note: meeting with opposing sides to talk does not make you far out on either side, especially when you have already said you would not have civilian review boards because there is NO other profession in the world that is judged by people not in that profession) David actually does a good attempt of meeting in the middle by insinuating that: Yes Trump can be polarizing, but hell if I am paying $2.00 for gas then he is doing something right. #iamserious #itotallyagree
3. Why should I trust YOU, someone who does not stay true to his word?
Let me break that down for all of you not in the know. One night at Capital Grille, Leonard Propper (Note: Not Larry the big brother) walked by David and his family at a table and said something smart. Instead of David bucking up and following Leonard (Note: the smaller Propper) outside he kept stuffing his face and punked out. The next day when he saw Leonard in uniform, he decided to do that one thing that ALL police officers hate; he puffed up like a puffer fish and pulled the old “if you weren’t in that uniform, I would beat your ass.” (Note: What Leonard should have said was “Punk I was out of uniform last night and I don’t remember you even moving a butt cheek to meet me outside. Instead, you clinched those cheeks and kept eating.”) INSTEAD, Leonard pushed David back like a fly landing on a rib, scoot little dude. Then Leonard turned his back to him, OMG yes that is literally how intimidated Leonard was by David. David then started yapping like a chihuahua following Leonard around screaming he was "Going to beat his ass." At some point Leonard turned around and face palmed him. He did not punch him, he did not slap him, he face palmed him. (Note: this picture shows the little cut that face palm caused) #lettingthatpitbullmouthoveridethatchihuahuaass

So, at this point did David say I will meet you at your house when you are out of uniform or say take off your uniform and let’s step to that parking lot? Nope he did not, instead he took his balls (small testicles) out of the sandbox and ran home to Mommy (Ivey) to tell her that Leonard was being mean. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? David: when you can quit lying by fulfilling your promise to Leonard Propper, I will give you back your man card, let you stand on a stool, look me in the eyes, and tell me who to vote for. Can we please get a Fight Club between these two at the next Guns and Hoses? It's for charity and whatever it takes for charity is a win in my book.
Now that my rant is over let’s dissect yet another picture David posted.

That picture was taken when Obama was on the campaign trail and had not at this point in time started a war on law enforcement; as stated per David Stevens. (Note: Obama was looking young still, you can see LB's sergeant stripes, and Wayne Clark was still a registered Republican)
Hey David what about this picture?

(Note: T.K. looks fit as heck good for you with that wonderful smile!)
Hey David guess what? You are looking at the man who let the world know that it was okay to sexually harass, rape, and molest woman (these are accusations that have been leveled by other women against him) if you were a man of power and prestige…..ANY QUESTIONS? (NOTE: look your daughter, wife, sister, or any other woman in the eyes and tell them I am wrong) I am not negating officers being killed in the line of duty, but I am saying that as a woman and having served 25 years as a police officer, I see / saw the effects of abuse on my gender every day. #condoningabuseonehandshakeatatime
You insinuating Lakesha Burton will start a war on law enforcement is like me insinuating T. K. will start a war on vaginas. It is dumb, we both know neither of them will do either of those things. You painting her with the brush you are painting her with is the same dumb brush that was painted by the Far Left Democrats when they said every Trump supporter was a deplorable. This is the problem; the wide sweeping judgement that is being placed on everyone because of their party affiliation.
David you want me to believe that this woman:

The woman you are praising for making the lives of the people in our community better is the same woman that you are attacking? #thiswasaftertheObamapicture
You are right in your title, It is all about this; community and someone that has a deep love and understanding of the community.
I promise you there is only 1 % of the population who would tell a sitting President or a President to be to Screw off if they wanted a picture and I can GUARANTEE that 99.9 % of Black Americans would have taken a picture with Obama on the campaign trail! #includingKenJeffersonin2015andNatGlover
See how easily accusations can be made? See how words hurt? So back off David and quit trying to throw shade, go keep your promise to Leonard. (Note: until you do you are a liar who cannot fulfill promises made, so I DO NOT TRUST YOU) Quit throwing shade at all the women candidates running for sheriff, it is not their fault they are taller than you #yesthatwasmeannapoleon #myweebunnock
The next mouth breather I want to address is Pat Ivey (aka Anchor aka (PP) aka The Bully). If you do not get the Anchor reference then please watch Finding Nemo. (Note: my wonderful daddy also gave sage advice when he said never trust a man that cannot look you in the eyes (plural) This person becoming Undersheriff was mistake #1.
(Note: you most definitely want to quit reading if you are a safety pin kind of person).
Also, before you get defensive this is a man whose grown Dual Certified Correctional Officer son called the police on him. #bet #2014callmadefrom1425StarrattRd

I am not insinuating what happened, I am showing you the picture. What is so dang important that grown folk gotta be up at 2 am on a Saturday Morning (Friday night) fighting? I know you do not drink so either someone got home late or someone checked someone's text messages. Just saying. Also, what was going so sideways that a 21 year old man had to call the police to his parent's house from the church up the road? I am sure it was nothing and all, it was just a big ole blown out of proportion misunderstanding. After all nobody will ever know since there was no report, nothing was sent to internal or integrity to investigate, and everybody just acted like it was a dream that really didn't happen. I would expect that a Sheriff would hold their appointed staff accountable by having a more thorough investigation done; just for "appearances" sake. Patronizing Pat's favorite word. (Note: 2014 is before his appointment to Undersheriff in 2015) Why are appointed staff not treated the same as everyone else? #Shivermetimbersthispatternhascontinued
Both of these pictures were taken BEFORE Pompous Pat gave permission to T.K. Waters (his letter to T. K. was dated August 10th) to wear JSO insignia. Perfidious Pat, I do not believe your fake letter dated August 10th. Prove to me via a time stamped email that letter was indeed written and posted on that date. If you can I am sure you will email it to the whole agency, if you can't then stop. Anyone can write a letter and put any date they want on it. PROOF PEEVISH PAT PROOF? #Iknowyoulieandsodoesyourwife

Before ya'll start screaming, the M.O. (Municipal Ordinance) does not say you have to be retired to have to get permission in writing, but I get by being employed you have permission to wear the uniform so it implies retired officers. T.K. was retired by June 28th and I am 100 % sure June still comes before August or is Pernicious Pat going to send a department wide email changing the Gregorian calendar?
Did T. K. Waters get a certified cease and desist letter #orareyouplayingfavorites ? Or were you unable to send it because nobody seems to know where he lives #whereswaldo #maybeinthesameplaceascarmensandiego #VILE (Note: Carmen Sandiego reference that fits here).

I cannot believe how childish a grown man; Petty Pat; can be that you would send a certified letter to a woman that dedicated 24 years to this city, then send a petty email to everyone at the Sheriff’s office trying to justify being Petty Pat #youainttrustworthyseebelow.
What you did is something I would expect a 12 year old little girl to do; being all passive aggressive; acting like you in 5th grade and finally got to wear a training bra. That is why you skipped my neighborhood on National Night Out and didn’t attend like you had promised Joyce Morgan, because you knew I would say it to your face. (Note: Charity before you pop off like you did at Rod: remember I know the skeletons and I know you cannot trust your husband to even work around a beautiful woman which is why Joanne Seach had to leave. #A.T. #youdonttrusthimtoworkaroundanyfemale #youdontevenlethimgotothegym #sendingtammyallthosetexts
If your wife cannot trust you, how can I? Gauntlet dropped, quit being petty and I will quit being petty.
Missing Mike (MM) gave her and all candidates permission to wear their uniforms, maybe Perplexed Pat (PP) didn’t know because MM (Oh Lordy I need an NNOO shit) wasn’t around enough to tell him.
Pedantic Pat quit acting like you know what the Municipal Ordinance Code says, hell you didn't know a Sheriff had to live in county #obscuremyass.
The link below shows a BIO on each candidate. Every candidate wore their uniform; except Big Tony; in the BIO portion of this article dated August 9th (Note: 9 does come before 10 right Paternalistic Pat?)
This wonderful article about Michelle Cook clearly shows her young and spry in her JSO uniform
Hurry Pat, Pucker Up (Note: one more nickname Pucker Up Pat) you need to lick some stamps for those cease and desist letters.
I would like to know did anyone? Sheriff Cook, Wayne Clark, Ken Jefferson, get a signed letter from Sheriff Williams or Ivey allowing them to be in uniform or use pictures of them in JSO uniforms before August 10th? I mean any picture in a uniform can be interpreted to insinuate you are a current member; which you said in that petty email "wearing official uniforms OR representing themselves as current members." Hell how does Pertinacious Pat know that any of those bio pictures on channel 4's website are old, did he get some forensic anthropologist to tell him? I am answering that question with a NO.
Okay here we go with these pesky old facts:
Lakesha Burton announced her intent to run in April 2021; right about the time Mike quit and vacated the position of sheriff; and she officially retired March 21, 2022. She maintains that MM gave her permission to use the uniform. (Note the M.O. does state that it has to be in writing). I am chalking that up to MM didn't know because well MM apparently knows ZERO about those pesky Municipal Ordinances. Either way when MM was being de facto (aka fake) sheriff for the 2 1/2 months before he "officially" resigned he saw plenty of pictures and commercials with retiree Lakesha Burton in her JSO uniform; he can still read and see the news / commercials in Amelia Island folks. Not once did he send her a cease and desist letter.
Why? Well because MM did not care; because no sheriff before Pathetic Pat (Note: dang these nicknames are flowing like I'm B-Rabbit on the microphone #Eminemincaseyoudidntgetit ) has cared. If the person retired in good standing they will not be told no, unless you playing favorites and most grown folk don't do that. Not only that, but since Pandering Pat got sworn in (June 11) plenty of commercials and pictures have been posted with no letters being sent. So I guess when she actually made a new commercial and used her uniform in the new commercial is what upset Poor Plebeian Pat? Boo Cry Me a River Hoo (Note I feel like the Holy Spirit done BAM'd me with the nicknames HALLELUJAH)

Oh look Paradoxical Pat, it looks like this commercial was done with T. K. Waters in uniform. Is it dated July 27th? I counted just to make sure and yep it appears; using the Gregorian calendar; that it is in fact 14 days prior to the "August 10th" letter. So Perturbing Pat did you get all passive aggressive with him like you did with Lakesha Burton? Or did you lay down beside him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear telling him to send a letter asking permission?

(Note: I keep using this picture because it encapsulates everything about him; trying to look you in the eye and lie while he got the shady going on the side. Yes that is mean, IDGAF.
You admitted you knew MM moved, but claimed ignorance because the M.O. was obscure? The only thing obscure is that call your son made to 911.
Pettifog Pat wrote his cease and desist letter warning Lakesha Burton if she did not stop he would Explore legal options? I agree we as a county should most definitely explore legal options, so I am going to do that RIGHT NOW: #goingdowntherabbithole (not Eminem, but Alice in Wonderland)
Per the Municipal Ordinance (M.O.) Missing Mike Williams vacated his position. Per the Florida Division of Elections Guidelines for Determining When Residency Qualifications for Elected Office Must be Met DE Reference Guide 0008 (Updated 02/2016) (this is at the very bottom):

Per Ashley Moody, nobody can determine this issue except her, so that Office of the General Counsel coverup ruling is as fake as Mike was for one whole year.
Let me be blunt folks, without that fake ruling and quick resignation people would actually start looking way too far into this just like I am about to do:
1. What in the world is de facto status?
It is the Latin word for of fact or in reality, which means in the reality Mike VACATED (left, gave it up, quit), but nobody wants to say it because of all the legal ramifications of implying the truth; which is The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office was leaderless. Let me ask a question to business owners around the world, heck maybe Saint Lenny can answer since he was a business owner. If you have an employee vacate or quit their job, then said employee starts showing up doing things are you A. going to pay them or B. you just going to think FREE labor they are volunteering? Um, I am going with the letter B Pat (that is a Wheel of Fortune reference). I bet they would not be able to sue you or force you to pay them since they quit and them showing up does not constitute working it constitutes volunteering. #hewasareserveofficeratbest
Hey Pontificating Pat have you explored having MM pay back the salary that he owes the citizens since he was by all accounts volunteering? Or pay back the money he put into FRS during that time? You know he VACATED his position BY MOVING OUT OF COUNTY? He was either volunteering or impersonating a police officer. I mean technically there was no sheriff to write him a letter allowing him to wear his uniform AFTER HE QUIT.
One step further down the rabbit hole, if MM was volunteering that means ALL decisions including appointments and discipline were done by a volunteer reserve officer with zero power to do those things. Hope someone who was fired lights your ass up with this.
One more step down, did the citizens know when there is a change of leadership or a sheriff leaves that ALL APPOINTED STAFF MUST RESIGN? Then the new sheriff sets up their own appointed staff. So, does that mean when MM vacated and became a volunteer reserve officer that technically Pugnacious Pat went back down to Lieutenant level? #defactothat
The biggest and worst step of all is sheriffs get their power from the sitting sheriff which means that all duties only sheriffs; per statute; can affect (yes it is the verb here) would be called into question by the reality that we were being led by a volunteer reserve officer, but hey who really cares about legal options when it’s your friend, right Piqued Pat?
With that debacle MM created, why you worried about the petty nonsense of Lakesha Burton wearing her uniform? #powertripmustbeexhausting MIKE MOVED AND VACATED (per the wording in the M.O.) technically he was impersonating a police officer, but I didn't see you exploring all that. #doraaintgotnothinonpettypatexplorerextraordinaire
Quit letting that 3 month “appointment” go to your big head acting like you won because people actually like you. (Note: You should be in prison for that travesty you pulled on Lieutenant Jacques Cox)
At least people actually voted for MM because he is likeable.
BYE Fool.
Now if someone wants to say they are not voting for Lakesha Burton because they do not like her, she did them dirty, or they just really like T. K. then fine I can get down with that. I just can't stand people pretending they hate her because of her party affiliation when we can show that really means zero to you. Everyone has friends on the department that are not in the same party as them; but they still break bread with that person and would still take a bullet for them. I am also okay with someone attacking policies that have been made or a job someone has done poorly. I am also okay with someone making sweeping judgements about someone because of their affiliations AS LONG AS; that judgement applies to everyone they know or meet and not just someone they are trying to paint a picture of to meet their agenda. It is just a hard pill for me to swallow when you say all democrats hate police while praising democrat police.
Yes, this was post was brash, but that is just me and I can promise you I will say to your face what I say behind my blog. (Note: just ask Saint Lenny he got the full Cat 5 when that fool tried to come justify a 401 K to us at a roll call) I will quit throwing shade and blogging when people stop posting 1/2 the truth. Everyone knows I have hated this foolishness for a long time, so I am not doing this to be liked or disliked, I am doing it because I hit my breaking point with all this good ole boy "do as I say, not as I do" bullshit and I want to break the wheel. So talk whatever nonsense you want about me. In the immortal words of Rap God Eminem “I am whatever you say I am,” but I am not stupid and I am most definitely able to back my arguments up with #facts. Will the real TLC please stand up? YES! #ceaseanddesistthisbitch

(Note: FYI yes I love me some Eminem; might not always agree with him; but I do love him)