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I do not play chess Vincent Crabbe, I play Wizards Chess-

***If you do not get the title, please watch Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone.

I am starting this blog with a little history lesson so people can further understand why I am doing this and what the other blogs were all about.

There were two defining moments in history that propelled the working class into a “middle” class or the middle ground of wealth. The French Revolution and the formation of unions during the Industrial Revolution. (Note: the use of revolution should not be lost on anyone). The formation of unions was the Social Democrats way of embracing capitalism by making it fair and equitable for the workers. (Note: taxing the rich to feed the poor concept) Social Democracy is the concept of blending capitalistic and socialistic practices. One such practice is unions, they can only exist in a capitalistic society. Their formation was the agenda of social democrats to bring workers better compensation and benefits via making big business pay the bill.

If you go back to Franklin D Roosevelt you will see he implemented the most liberal policies America has ever seen. The New Deal, Social Security, tax the rich to help create the middle class. (Note: this is something far left democrats today do not understand, he was taxing the rich to help the working class, not taxing the working class to help non contributing members) Alas that is an argument for another day. The whole reason I bring up FDR is because he understood something that we have forgotten and something I so desperately am trying to convey. FDR adamantly declared he was not a socialist nor was he far right. I encourage you to read one of the greatest speeches he ever gave: Rendezvous with Destiny. The crux of this speech basically espouses the belief that you have to have a bipartisan society for capitalism and democracy to thrive which is exactly what the Founding Fathers implemented in the forming of our Country. He knew that without balance the scales would tip to far to one side and anyone who claims to be far right or far left is too blind to understand the true meaning of democracy or to understand what our Founding Fathers wanted; which was a better life for all within an economically thriving Nation.

Now to my point: Zona; as the FOP president you are embracing the social democracy of ensuring workers are fairly paid and compensated by big business. So, while I will not claim to know Mr. Sampson or any of his agendas, what I will say is the picture you posted is not one of Mr. Sampson the far left socialist, it is of Mr. Sampson the social democrat who works for a union; AFSCME. In the picture with Lakesha Burton, Mr. Sampson is not posing as the president of the Jacksonville Community Action Committee, he is posing as Mr. Sampson the union employee. You can even read his shirt that says clearly AFSCME and has their emblem. If you just look at the picture you would deduce that Zona and Mr. Sampson are pretty ideologically aligned. Does that mean they will align in all things? No, it does not. As you can see, just because Zona and Mr. Sampson share this socially democratic view of unions are good, it does not mean they share all views. With this same logic in mind, you have to apply it to Lakesha Burton. You see this picture is not of Mr. Sampson far left president of JCAC giving her money it is a picture of Mr. Sampson union employee standing by his union as they give money. Lakesha Burton is accepting money from the AFSCME, not the JCAC. So please quit with the nonsense magic man. (Note: you will see said picture below)

Coincidences only become factual when they are statistically impossible to ignore. Zona is insinuating that the two meetings listed below; which were 1 1/2 years apart were not coincidental.

So let’s analyze this like adults.

In April 2021, Lakesha Burton was on a podcast as a guest and the podcast interviewer; Gene; invited another person; Mr. Diallo; who is of an opposing view because he wanted them to talk it out. This is called GROWN UP SHIT; you know when grown folks talk to resolve issues so their son doesn’t have to call the police. (Note: see the last blog) It is what we are suppose to do. It does not make anyone less than what they are; Grown Folk acting Grown.

One and a half years later that same candidate accepts an endorsement from a union; American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME); that boasts over 1.7 million members nationwide and not just 364,000 members nationwide (FOP).

For all of you not in the know this is per the Florida AFSCME website: AFSCME members provide the vital services that make America happen. With members in communities across the nation, serving in hundreds of different occupations — from nurses to corrections officers, child care providers to sanitation workers — AFSCME advocates for fairness in the workplace, excellence in public services and freedom and opportunity for all working families.

The picture that has been posted by Zona is of Lakesha Burton accepting money from AFSCME, the union. Just because Mr. Sampson; who is obviously a member because he is wearing a union shirt; is in the picture it once again does not prove anything. She was getting money from the UNION not Mr. Sampson or any far- left radical group Mr. Sampson might belong to. (Note: You need to get your blood work checked because severe thirst is the first symptom of Sugar Foot AKA Diabetes)

Zona do you think out of 1.7 million AFSCME members nationwide, that if one dude is far-left that somehow means the whole organization is? Is the whole FraternalOP sexist because Ex-President David Stevens appears to be? (Note: see last blog and my play on words) #learntoplaywizardschessvincentcrabbe

I mean really do I need to say more for people to realize the idiocy of such a far- reaching grab for left field? #doyouknowthedefinitionofcoincidence

Once again quit trying to paint her as a far-left police hater when she is accepting money from a union that has corrections officer members. Quit posting pictures insinuating she is a far-left socialist when technically you are the state president of a conceptually socialist organization aka FOP.

Quit trying to play chess. Bobby Fischer you are not.

Now let’s see how this coincidence/connect the dots game works. I am going to give it a go and see if I can get statistically closer in accusations than Zona did. I absolutely agree with Zona when he says "What is in the dark will be brought to light."

Oh Ken, Ken, Ken. Did they pay your IRS tax bill?

Fractured was the word you used in the debate over and over. You do realize the same people backing T K are the ones that fractured it: Rutherford, Williams, Kent Stermon, Saint Lenny Curry, the FOP for sitting back and taking it. I think this is my biggest issue: is both you and the FOP have hated this current regime, hated the Undersheriff turned Sheriff, and have complained about their bullshit for 7 years and then T K runs for office and you get mind wiped.

Now let me paint my picture #thesearenothappytrees

In 2018 Andrew Caplan broke the story about Republican dark money being used to target a Democratic candidate that they felt could beat their male Republican candidate:

They targeted Democrat Kayser Enneking in hopes of dashing her chances of beating their Republican candidate.

They did this by using Leiann McInnis; a longtime Alachua Republican Party member to start a “PAC” which she funneled money into then used the money to make flyers and other commercials insinuating Mrs. Enneking was not a true democrat.

Does any of this sound familiar yet? If not then remember, this is what Ken Jefferson did through the Social Justice PAC. Oh look who is the Social Justice PAC Chairperson and Treasurer. #leiannmcinnis #weirdorcoincidence

Now in the article it also ties Leiann McInnis to this gem of a guy; William Stafford Jones; who owns Data Systems of North Florida (1722 NW 80th Blvd STE 90, Gainesville FL 32606). It then ties William S Jones to Patrick Bainter's company Data Targeting Research (3515 NW 98 St Ste 200, Gainesville, FL 32606). Weird these two companies are in Gainesville and located no less than 5 minutes apart.

This is Data Targeting’s LinkedIn description “In politics, winning matters. That's why at Data Targeting, we shut up and let the data do the talking.” #gettingweirderandlesscoincidental

Well I agree Data Targeting so here goes data: #facts

If you read the above listed article, you will see that William Stafford and Pat Bainter were in a 2011 gerrymandering scandal and were tied to the Alachua county election I referenced above. Oh Look, actual factual connections of two people with the same agenda. They have been doing this for years #theydonthideit

Data Systems of North Florida is owned by William S Jones and Data Targeting Research is owned by Tim Baker and Patrick Bainter. #tweedledeeandtweedleum #amigettingwarm

The reason this is important is from June 14/2022 to August 16/2022 (two months) T K Waters shows he paid Bainter's company Data Targeting Research $175,704.75.

T K Waters PAC is registered as A Safer Jacksonville For All (Note: except women and minorities)

Oh shit is that William Stafford Jones running T K Waters PAC and paying Data Targeting Research; owned by his friend Patrick Bainter; $175,704 in two months. Is it coincidental that during this same time frame Social Justice gets like $200,000 in donations. Well let's take a look at another possible player:

On Target Messaging which received $31,789 from June 27 to Aug 16 is owned by this Republican player. (Note: the money paid to these two companies totals $207,493.00 in two months) I am sure it is pure coincidence that the amounts almost match what T K Waters paid these Republican business owners; who are all connected to Leiann McInnis; and what Social Justice PAC received in three big donations on 7/19, 7/29, and 8/16. The same Social Justice PAC that targeted Lakesha Burton for Ken Jefferson.

(Note: After August 16th T K has only paid Data Targeting Research $30,000 for the past two months. T K has only paid On Target $13,000 for two months then dropped a load of $30,000 on them on Oct 14) #thatoctobersurprise #howbigwaskensirsbillandwhenwasitpaid

This shot shows the last three big donations (7/19, 7/25, and 8/16) to Social Justice PAC are from The Consortium of North East Florida Businesses which mind you does NOT exist. These payments total $200,000 (Note: the last payment was August 16th)

This is The Consortium of NE Fl Businesses' website which is written in Latin, hit google translate to read the nonsense.

If I believed in such coincidences; I would have to say since the website is in Latin then we could use the literal translation of consortium as an association of several businesses / companies, a partnership, or a society (Note: this one is made up of all jerks and one snatch- chill these are Olympic Lifting terms).

I would even think that these business names are a play on words:

Data Systems / Data Targeting Research / On Target Messaging

(Note: read them from left to right:

Data Target Messaging almost one complete company with a clear "message")

They are all NE Florida businesses aka a consortium. So could they be this mysterious fake business funneling money into their friend Leiann McInnis’ PAC; so she can attack candidate Lakesha Burton in ads like gopuppet; while using their pawn and old friend Ken Jefferson. #whoisthepuppetnowken

The other two donors to the Social Justice PAC are Florida Citizens For Change (Note: Mr. Harold Wise gave the PAC to William S Jones on May 7, 2012)

And Progressives coincidentally owned by WILLIAM S JONES!!!! (Note: is this still a coincidence?)

The last wonderful piece of the puzzle T K Waters paid the Greater Florida Foundation $125,000

Oh Wow SURPRISE William runs another PAC. #godfatherofmoneyfunneling

So William Jones took money from one PAC and put it in another PAC that he owns (Note: why is there so much money shuffling going on? How much money did Ken owe the IRS and how much did T K pay for that new house down payment)

This is weird, Greater Florida Foundation's financials seem askew. William, How do you have more expenditures than you do contributions?

#Fact the Social Justice PAC that is owned by Alachua Republican Leiann McInnis has received contributions from William Stafford Jones’ PAC’s; Florida Citizens for Change and Progressives in 2021. #Fact William Stafford Jones runs T K Waters PAC; A Safer Jacksonville for All. #Fact Leiann McInnis, William Stafford Jones and Patrick Bainter; Data Targeting Research; have already been caught colluding or connected to a 2011 Gerrymandering scandal and trying to sway a 2018 Alachua County election by unethical means. #Fact We know that from 7/19-8/18 Social Justice PAC received $200,000 from The Consortium of North East Florida Businesses; which does not exist. Coincidentally #fact Data Targeting Research was paid $175,704.25 from June 14-Aug 16 which means they were paid $87,852.37 a month up until the first primary on Aug 23rd. Now they are barely being paid $15,000 a month. #Fact On Target Messaging received the other #31,789 that made up the $207,493 that left T K Waters PAC before $200,000 magically landed in the Social Justice PAC. I am sure T K Waters was just paying these businesses for work and it is purely a coincidence that the money so closely aligns and the payments to these companies come to a dribble after the last payment to the Social Justice PAC was made on August 16th. The gopuppet and Ken Jefferson ads started Aug 4th, right in time for the first election.

Trust? Really Ken that is what you are going with? You run as a Democrat then conspire with Republican interest groups that are running T K’s campaign, but you want to say you are now backing T K because of trust?

True or False: Ken you are a LIAR who cannot pay the IRS so you sold your soul to Kent Stermon to get that bill paid?

True or False: Ken you were urged to get into this race by Kent Stermon and the Consortium of NE Florida Businesses because they were praying you would beat Lakesha in the first race so T K would not have to run against her?

True or False: Ken you are on the Board of Directors at Providence School the same school James Callihan’s son went to. You know James right? The guy that works for Kent at TMM? #gettingstatisticallyclosertothetruth

True or False: Ken you are the most untrustworthy of them all because you lied to people who voted for you by trying to make them think you trust T K Waters; when in fact you sir are the puppet?

So it appears I can categorically prove that Ken Jefferson and T K Waters colluded to attack Lakesha Burton; which means Ken Jefferson lied to his Democrat and Republican constituents. As a Republican; it should bother other Republicans that a Republican candidate is getting in bed with a Democrat candidate to sway votes with a false narrative. (Note: see other blogs reference T K being a RINO) If they can so easily lie to get what they want, what can they do to you the poor tax payer or citizen?

So what does Ken have to gain? Maybe they paid his IRS bill, maybe he will switch parties to Republican and run for another office, or maybe they will just let him keep eating at the cool kids table. Either way I statistically proved both T K Waters and Ken Jefferson are shady people and liars who cannot be trusted to hold office. I statistically proved they colluded with each other and should not be believed or trusted.

Now let's see if I can statistically prove that T K Waters is not a true fan of women running things.

(Note: Weird that all these men start PAC’s and fund them to attack women candidates; yes they attacked Crist in ads; but let's be honest he is a banana peel slip away from being a woman)

Coincidentally T K took a picture with Bill Clinton; woman hater; got backed by David Stevens; see my last blog woman hater; and he conspired with Ken Jefferson to take down the only woman candidate by allowing a PAC he uses to fund a PAC Ken used to attack the only woman candidate. It is statistically more plausible that all these men driving the machine are women haters than Zona’s argument about Lakesha being left wing.

P.S. I do not want to hear any woman from JSO who has screwed their way into the boy’s club, screwed a married man in the boy’s club, or gotten married to a dynasty to tell me shit about nothing. What you need to do is take a long hard look at yourself and think “Am I a means to and end or a solution to fix a problem?” I can guarantee you are no solution to fixing the problem, you are just a means to an end that will be tossed when your benefit runs out and you are being laughed at in the locker room.

I ask again why did Ken Jefferson enter a race, then collude with Republican PAC's to attack his female opponent and not the other two male opponents? Guess Ken was as scared of a woman as Mike's first choice Bruno was before he dropped out and they had to scramble and get the 4th place pick to agree to run. (Note: yes I hate to break it to everyone T K Waters was the 4th person asked. After Bruno dropped out they courted backing Lakesha until she told them they would not be running the agency, then they went into panic mode and had to scramble)

Open your eyes and quit being herded like sheep to the slaughter.



Trudy Claps Back

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