Manny Packiow
One time we mated a bull dog with a Shih-Tzu. We called it Bullshit- Harry Dumb and Dumber
Greetings and Salutations! It’s Thunderc**** Thursday (TC) and I am back, like Dr Dre in a 2021 Halftime show! #sogladEminemwasincluded...

Manny Packiow
I do not play chess Vincent Crabbe, I play Wizards Chess-
***If you do not get the title, please watch Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. I am starting this blog with a little history lesson...

Manny Packiow
This is what happens when you open a safety pin, IT STICKS YOU!
Now if you have feelings and need a safety pin, I suggest you either stop reading or go put on your safety pin because I am about to hit...