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One time we mated a bull dog with a Shih-Tzu. We called it Bullshit- Harry Dumb and Dumber

Writer's picture: Manny PackiowManny Packiow

Greetings and Salutations!

It’s Thunderc**** Thursday (TC) and I am back, like Dr Dre in a 2021 Halftime show! #sogladEminemwasincluded Yes TC is a lesser known Thunder Cat.

Let me start by saying this has been the most dizzying display of thimblerig (the Shell game) I have ever seen. Any one of these people could move to NYC and literally become rich by being the trickster. #politicianstothecore

Okay here goes:

In an article dated Aug 22, Mike Hogan (Supervisor of Elections) “said Waters changed his residential address in 2018. He said there is no deadline to update a new address, but he noted it should be done BEFORE you vote.” (First Coast News Staff, The Tributary)

This is further corroborated in that same article by Waters’ statement:

"Following the tragic death of our son in our home, my wife and I made the difficult decision to move and began renting in other locations. In between moves earlier this year I inadvertently kept my voter registration at a previous address, though I was not required to change it, until my permanent home, under construction, is complete and ready to move in to.”

If this is his logic, then why did he change his voter registration to the first place he rented, but not change it when he moved across town to another location he was renting?

(Note: per the below rules his logic is not true; I will touch on why he was required to change it later on in the post)

I suppose since Missing Mike didn’t read the FDoE Elected Officials Residency requirements guide, why should T K read the FDoE Voter residency guide. It appears no Sheriff needs to know the actual rules they just have to have friends in high places. #dontlivebytherulesanarchy #homeiswheretheheartis

This is per the Florida Division of Elections Voter Residency in Florida DE Reference Guide:

Legal residence - Permanent. Legal residency is not defined in law. However, over the years, the courts and the Florida Department of State/Division of Elections’ have construed legal residency to be where a person mentally intends to make his or her permanent residence for purposes of registration. Additional evidence of such intent can come from items or activities such as obtaining a Florida driver’s license and listed residential address, paying tax receipts, paying bills for residency (light, water, garbage service) and receiving mail at address, claiming the property as homestead, declaring the county as domicile, and doing other activities indicative or normally associated with home life. Therefore, legal residence is a convergence of intent and fact. Once residency is established for voting purposes, it is presumptively valid or current until evidence shows otherwise. See Op. Atty Gen. Fla. 055-216 (August 26, 1955). A business address is not a satisfactory legal residential address. However, although not the rule, if the person is able to prove residence there despite the zoning ordinance, a fact-finding body could determine that the business address is the person’s legal residential address.

Now for the benefit of the doubt I will even stretch it out for Mr. Waters by including the residency rules for homeless citizens.

Legal residence - Homeless. It is against Florida and federal laws to discriminate against a homeless person. The voter registration laws cannot be applied in a manner to deny such person the right to register to vote. Therefore, a person who is homeless or without a permanent ‘traditional’ home but intends to remain permanently in the locale can register using an address for: 1) place where he or she regularly receives messages, 2) the church if it agrees to accept mail or messages on the person’s behalf, 3) the shelter or other local that a person frequents and could be reached, 4) the specific post office for general delivery. It may even be a specific street corner, park bench, vacant lot, etc., to where the person frequently rests or returns and intends to serve as the “home-base”. The point is to be able to locate and assign a precinct to correspond with that location.

FYI they are so serious about this they literally include a blank map where you can draw exactly what bench, corner, or any other place you sleep. He literally could have drawn this and it would have been accepted. ***I know I forgot Clay in the Far Corner

So, Melissa Nelson aka The Wild Haggis (not the pudding, the fictional Scottish creature ) started shuffling that ball for a candidate she endorsed and said Nothing is wrong Nothing to see, he is allowed to have his voter residency anywhere he wants, which is actually not what the Florida Division of Elections seems to think.

I guess the catch is if you mentally intend to be in a traveling circus then put whatever you want.

Is it illegal or just not smart? Either way it goes back to decision making and the poor choices that seem to be made or have been made continually by this circle of friends: Mike, Ivey, T K. #rideordieforthelie

Now here is where it gets sticky folks and the shell game gets lightning fast! This is why the above listed portion of claiming homestead comes into play. #iamdizzy

If by his own admission T K Waters moved in 2018 and by Hogan’s admission T K Waters changed his voter address then…..

Whoa wait, why is he getting a homestead exemption and the Save Our Homes benefit? He is getting a $125,000 tax break plus the 3 % tax hike raise stoppage, thus cheating the citizens who play by the rules. Remember Jerry Holland declared war on homestead exemption cheaters. #goinghardifyouarenotafriend

Per Jerry’s website this is some of the ways to determine if you have in fact abandoned the home and cannot get homestead exemption:

Below are a few examples of possible situations that would make a property owner ineligible for a homestead exemption. There are others. (See Florida Statutes 193.155(10), 196.031, 196.011(9)(a) and 196.161.)

If the property is rented.

If the homesteaded owner dies and the property continues to carry the exemption in future years in the name of the deceased owner.

If the property owner changes his/her voter registration and driver's license to another residence.

Pursuant to Florida Statutes 193.155 (9) and 196.161(1) (b), when a property owner receives but is no longer entitled to a homestead exemption, it is deemed to be non-compliant, an abuse of the law, and which affects all taxpayers. The law clearly gives guidelines on what action to take when you abandon the home as a primary residence.

Now remember in a news article both T K and Mike Hogan stated he changed his address in 2018. #maybeitwasamisprint?

Well in a recently obtained email from Jerry Holland (aka Elmer Fudd):

Apparently admitting you changed your address and are renting on TV is not proof. Who in the world is telling the truth? Hogan and T K who said it was done in 2018 or Mrs. Self who now says it was done 2 years after he sold the house? If it was done 2 years after he sold his house, then refer back to the rules and this means for two years; since 2020; he was not abiding by the rules.

The second part to Charlotte's Web of Lies deals with the homestead exemption rule that states if you rent any portion of your house for more than 30 days over a two- year period you lose your homestead exemption. #airbnbnogo

So, the house T K admitted to moving to and renting from; in an interview from his own mouth; was supposed to lose their homestead exemption and the SoH exemption.

Per his interview, he said he moved there in 2018. If in fact the voter registration was not changed and it happened when Mr. Holland stated, that means they lived there for FOUR years. This was the email I received reference that:

So applying the above logic please listen carefully:

Folks if you rent your house or any portion there-in please keep your DL address there or as your work address, keep all utility bills in your name and they cannot or will not come after you. If you move out of state and want to rent your house, please do the above mentioned and do not do a "rental contract." Also keep your voter registration here because that apparently don't matter either. #dowhatyouwantanarchy

Even if someone goes on the news and says they rented from you or you keep your voter registration at a house you sold; per Wild Haggis and Elmer Fudd they will be like Big Sean and E-40

“I Don’t Fuck With You.” #gotamilliontrillionthings

(Note: I aint lying I just had to stop my blog pull up Big Sean and E-40, I am now twerking and typing YES! So, if something is spelled wrong forgive me) Oh the irony: Kanye in this video play calling and coaching on how to NGAF!!!! #stayrelevantpeople

So back to the shenanigans that has been going on with the whole Where’s Waldo drama 2022. (Note: I am not talking about Missing Mike, hell even we knew where he moved when he left the damn county! I guess reserve officer’s addresses are not hidden.)

Did T K Waters commit voter fraud by not changing his address for two years after he sold the house? Or for admittedly changing it to the first place he rented, but then not changing it to the next rental when he moves across town? Who knows because Wild Haggis most certainly will not do anything about it if he did. I don't know if it was intentionally done or just not knowing the rules. Either way it goes back to those RULE BREAKER political ads they keep running on the other candidate.

Did he commit Homestead Exemption fraud after admittedly moving, changing his address, changing his voter registration, and effectively abandoning his home? Per Mr. Holland No. #becausethereisconflictingliesonwhenitwasdone

Did the people who he claims he rented from for what appears to be four years violate Homestead Exemption rules? Per Mr. Holland No.

What I do know is if Mr. Hogan and Mr. Waters were right and he changed his voter registration in 2018 then he owes back taxes for the homestead exemption and the SoH exemptions he claimed in 2019 and 2020. If they actually rented from someone like he said then that person should lose their homestead exemption and SoH for the years of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. But hey nobody will ever know because their circle of lies is like Arnold trying to create sentience in Westworld. #ifeellikeiaminthematrix

What I do know is with what all this doubletalk shuffling; if I wanted to run a TV ad on this nonsense it would be closer to the truth than the ads that have been thrown from that side of the tracks.

I keep thinking if this was the other candidate would she have been in trouble for not following the rules? Would back taxes have to be paid? Would we have to be watching a commercial every 15 minutes talking about how that person didn’t change their voter registration for 2 years after selling the home? How that person cheated their homestead exemption taxes plus the SoH discount and effectively cheated the citizens of Jacksonville out of money? I bet we would. Funny how this shell game works isn’t it. Sleight of hand can cause slight of mind.

I understand that things happen in life and we do our best to handle those things. I am truly sorry for anyone having to handle difficult situations and trying to do their best during those times to keep it together. I understand sometimes we make poor decisions because of those unexpected things life throws at us, but if we are going to judge one side for their choices during difficult times then we must judge the other side. #judgenotlestyoubejudged #thatwholesplinterintheeyeMatthew7:5

So, the lesson here folks is there is no need to be responsible and play by the rules if you are the chosen one. Put your voter registration anywhere you want; hell use the childhood tree house behind the house you lived in when you were 7; and if you decide to commit homestead exemption fraud by renting then please keep the utility bill in your name, don’t have a written contract, and do not change your DL address.

If Jerry Holland has hammered you or anyone you know for renting out their home/room and the utility bills were in their name then I hope everyone gets a lawyer and sues for their money back. After all; per his first email; without rental contracts or receipts they cannot do crap so if they didn’t have that on you then get your money back!!!!

Can Jacksonville really afford another Four Years of this "I can do what I want power trip" from someone who is going to be managing $540 million dollars and a 2,000 -person agency? Between past finances, not filing a timely change of address for their voter registration, and possibly violating homestead rules (if we can get our lies figured out) is anyone going to admit this might not be the best idea. Just saying!

This is not behavior I expect from a Fiscally/Socially Conservative Republican candidate.

Quit being fooled by all the finger pointing, it is only being done because they do not want to be noticed or looked at too closely.


1 Comment

Valkyrie Deb
Valkyrie Deb
Nov 03, 2022

Girl I love how you lay it out. Keep up the good work!


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