I want to first start by saying I know this post at times will sound offensive, but it is not intended to be such. What I do not want is to debate BLM, Mr. Sekou, or any other organization / person. I am only using them to point out their similarities and not to advocate for or against. We are or should be considered family especially by persons representing us at local or state levels. While this is a long read it is detailed so take your time and read the whole thing.
I am at a Tropical Storm level right now so I will just be blowing a little wind your way, but as the vitriol hardens then I will start to pick up steam until I am full fledged Cat 5. (Note: This is Zona's nickname for me #fact)
I need to say that I have worked around or known both persons for years and I am not using this to bash anyone, but I do think if we are going to put information out from one side then that side needs to address their own actions since we are trying to "educate" people. The do as I say not as I do good ole boy attitude has to stop. The reason I am doing this is because I cannot believe some of the hateful things people have said about a woman that they have worked around, liked, and respected; up until she decided to run for Sheriff as a Democrat.
I worked for three sheriffs and in my opinion on a ranking system here goes:
1. Rutherford "the golden years" (until Mackesy retired and Senterfuck became Undersheriff) (Note: Don't bash me about the nickname it's what I do, everyone got a nickname)
2. Nat Glover
3. Rutherford "the fall of Rome" (aka Senterfuck/Alzheimer years) and trailing way behind with an honorable mention because we are in the everyone gets a trophy era
4. Missing Mike (NOTE: Mike is an amazing husband and father just in my opinion not an engaged ground breaking sheriff like the other one and 1/2).
So for me political party did not really matter because on a ranking system of who contributed more to the agency and brought us out of the dark ages well that is Democrat Nat Glover hands down. Yes his views were "progressive" "out there" "unthinkable," but now they are normal acceptable practices that nobody even second guesses. Republican Sheriff Rutherford said "We cannot arrest our way out of a problem" and he was right. As a matter of fact his theory is right in line with Mr. Sekou who said we need to end low-level arrests. Sounds like pretty "progressive" language to me, but when a Republican says it then its not progressive it's a message from God's lips to our ears. If we look at all those administrations and dissect them to see who was more left wing progressive, then Republican Mike has been the most left wing progressive sheriff we have had and I will point out why later in the blog. This is why I hate both sides of the coin because each side points out the other's flaws without introspectively looking inward at their own flaws which usually are the same. As a Republican I get mad when we point fingers knowing we are doing the same thing.
That is what prompted me to start this blog. The recent posting of Lakesha Burton by Steve Zona (NOTE: I still love you Zona boo, so do not take this any kind of way)

is exactly what I am talking about. (Note: the donation of $100 was April 2021 a whole year and 1 month before this picture; which you both look great by the way).
While I might not agree with someone's opinions, I will say I am woman enough to listen to them and then engage in a healthy debate on issues to try and find a common ground or to prove I am right because I am right 99 % of the time.
You are blind if you think that a Republican is going to cut out all the left progressive thinking. They are citizens also and have the right to be heard which is why Republican Missing Mike created the LBGTQ+ (Note: if I left out a letter/number please forgive me) unit, brought us body worn cameras, allowed uniformed officers to march in the Gay Pride parade with a marked JSO vehicle, aligned with Saint Lenny to bring a 401K plan to JSO; which has resulted in less applicants and a bigger exodus, did a BLM walk, and had us take an eight hour Genderbread class. All Sheriffs will cater to the voting segment and T. K. will be no different. (Note: I am not agreeing or disagreeing with any of these choices, I am pointing out facts).

This brings me to the first crux of what is probably going to be a war of words:
1. T. K. Waters was not ordered to do a walk. He chose to participate in the BLM peaceful walk as did a lot others and helped organize it. (Note: I was unable to attend as I was out of the state)

(Note: I think some emails have been left out of my public request because I only received three emails from supervisors asking for volunteers or discussing the walk, the other 300 pages were traffic routes, intelligence briefs, and media blasts. I have a hard time believing only three supervisors at JSO asked for volunteers but OKAY).
What I found weird about this email was why is T. K. Waters being thanked for a walk that he did not help organize?
2. During this walk people held up Fuck 12 signs (Note: 12 is slang for police), defund the police signs, and yelled derogatory things about police officers. While I will say I am sure that was not the majority on the walk, it was still done. (Note again: I was out of town and unable to attend the walk, and since T. K. was the point person at JSO for the event, I sent Robin a text telling her to let T. K. know why I would not be in attendance because I was out of town. The text has been deleted).

Why is everyone okay with T. K. Waters associating with opposing factions and organizing walks where people yell derogatory things and hold up Fuck 12 or Defund the police signs, but they are not okay with Lakesha Burton having an open dialogue with opposing factions in hopes of maybe trying to bring us together instead of creating an even bigger divide? I have heard all the excuses such as Oh T. K. talked to so and so and now so and so loves the police, T. K. was "forced" to do this walk by Mike, T. K. is the reason so and so was traded to get him away from gang members, etc. If any of those are true then good for T. K. fist bump job well done. I just don't understand how everyone on T. K.'s band wagon can believe that, but you can't believe that maybe Lakesha opened Mr. Sekou's eyes on some issues. Has anyone bothered to ask Mr. Sekou or Lakesha if they had an open honest conversation and were able to find a common ground? (Note: I did not hear the podcast nor do I want to unless someone can send me a clip where she said "I hate the police, I want to defund my agency and take officers off the street, I want to eradicate qualified immunity (which means she would not be covered either) and I want to fire officers at will," then you may send me said podcast).

The reality is until we meet and have these raw honest conversations then the divide will continue to get bigger. We will probably never agree 100 % on issues, but we can maybe get to a point where we can talk with a mutual respect instead of posting vitriol on our Facebook pages about life long friends we have worked with and we claim are brothers/sisters in blue. (Note: the reason this picture is important is if Mr. Diallo Sekou is not someone a Sheriff should be associating with because of his progressive views; per Zona's post; then his own candidate should probably watch his own associations and not be a supporter of a cause or person, if we are going by Zona's standards).
Everyone is making a big deal about the body bags left on the steps of PMB. My understanding; I could be wrong so if I am prove it; is the body bags represented persons shot and killed by JSO and it was a way of basically laying the dead out at the foot of the Cross so to speak, for all to see in a dramatized fashion instead of holding up a bunch of signs. It is my understanding no riot took place and there was nothing indicating or saying to kill police officers. If that is the case then what is so offensive about him laying body bags out that represent persons killed by JSO? I am not agreeing or disagreeing with what he did, but there were no Fuck 12 signs that I know of; so which is more abrasive; the body bags showing us visually the impact our police shootings have on people's lives or Fuck 12 signs? I suppose that is up to each person's own compass, but I believe that neither is more offensive they just are different ways of expressing the same thought.
How come when a Republican associates with opposing factions and organizes walks that include hateful speech, inflammatory signs, and kneeling officers in uniform (Note: I 100% think this person is an amazing person who has grown as an officer and has done a lot for the community so zero judgment folks, I think he did what he felt at the time the Holy Spirit needed him to do) that it is okay and acceptable, but when a Democrat talks to someone who opposes our views she is seditious? I brought up the kneeling because President Zona specifically said at a FOP meeting that he did not feel it was right or understand why any officer would kneel in uniform. But once again when it is done by T. K.'s friend then nobody is asking for a denouncement. If you are going to insinuate that Lakesha is a far left defund the police candidate because she associated with Mr. Sekou or received $100 donation from him in April 2021; then we have to assume like T. K. said during the last debate; "he is no DeSantis;" that he too is a far left progressive aka RINO trying to start sedition by actively agreeing to do a BLM walk with a BLM organizer and skipping next to him. Don't forget Mr. Sekou and BLM have the same demands. Mr. Sekou and Mr. Fournette are both the same in their fight for justice, so you cannot deem one a threat to the status quo without including the other. I am not advocating or downing either organization / person, I am just pointing out that both candidates have in fact associated with the same organizations / same people wanting the same goal to ask for their demands to be met, but for some reason Lakesha is seditious and T. K. is saving lives one flick of his fairy wand at a time.
Zona can you please ask T. K. Waters to publicly denounce Fournette and BLM? After all what is good for the dame is good for the gander! (Note: for all my feminists chill, those are goose references). If you are going to encourage people to vote and/or not vote for a candidate then please do not use the excuse that they associate with people or organizations that oppose the police when your candidate does the same exact thing. You choose to ignore it and do not ask him to publicly denounce his affiliations / friendships with the same like minded individuals/organizations.
I am not mad at either person for what they did, I am just pointing out that what they did was the SAME EXACT THING (yes Melissa I am yelling because people got their political party ear plugs in and can't hear/or think out the box). I have graciously included pictures to prove what I am saying so nobody can act like it didn't happen or turn a blind eye to the truth or act like T. K. was "forced" to do this walk by Republican Sheriff Mike.

(Note: I keep posting this picture because T. K. does not looked "forced" to walk, he looks so happy almost giddy, like he is floating or skipping, and I like happy and giddy).
What is par for the course, I remember (not mentioning the gang unit by name) is people complaining about the walk and they were forced to participate in that walk (by a Republican Sheriff and Republican Chief) where they were subjected to the language, kneeling, and signs telling them to Fuck Off. Now you same people want to act like "nothing to see here folks move on all good." Grow a clitoris and woman up quit letting your saggy testicles weigh you down into coward town by acting like what I just posted was not the truth.
I will keep posting challenges to all the one way posts that are being peddled like wares at a flea market. Now you all have my blog post contact. You know where to come if you want the other side of the shady truth. My next post is a love letter to Dean Black who is so worried about the candidates financial histories; I have researched the truth about each candidates financial history (with pictures). So if you want a side by side comparison on each person's financials then see you very soon. So until I have to hit landfall, Tropical Storm TLC signing off.